CMDM: Color Mesh Distortion Measure
CMDM is the first metric for quality assessment of 3D meshes with vertex colors, which works entirely on the mesh domain, at vertex level. It is a full-reference data-driven multiscale metric, that incorporates perceptually-relevant curvature-based and color-based features. Our framework is as follows: For given distorted Mdist and reference Mref meshes, we first establish a correspondence between Mdist and Mref. Then for each scale hi, we define a spherical neighborhood around each vertex v of Mdist and compute a set of local geometry and color based features over the points belonging to the neighborhood of v and their corresponding points on Mref. Local single-scale feature values are pooled into global multiscale features. Finally, CMDM is defined as a linear combination of an optimal subset of features determined through logistic regression.
CMDM code is available in the MEPP2 platforms.
| Manual | Publication | bibtex |
An adapted version for colored point clouds was also developed. It is the first Point Cloud Quality Metric (PCQM) that takes into account both geometry and color.
PCQM code is available online.
| Publication | bibtex |
Graphics-LPIPS: Deep Learning-based Quality Metric for 3D Graphics
Graphics-LPIPS metric is an extension of the LPIPS metric originally designed for images and perceptual similarity tasks, which we adapted for 3D graphics and quality assessment tasks. Graphics-LPIPS employs Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with learning linear weights on top. It operates on patches of rendered stimuli that are fed to the CNN to extract features. Features are then fused and pooled to predict the quality of the patch. The overall quality of the 3D model is obtained by averaging local patch qualities
Graphics-LPIPS code is available online.
| Publication | bibtex |