Innovation through Mechatronics and Robotics
Tutor, 2nd year of undergraduate degree, aka Formation Initiale aux Métiers d’Ingénieur (FIMI),
at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (Insa Lyon)
The course includes:
- Introduction to automation
- Open-loop and closed-loop control system
- PID controller
- LEGO EV3 programming (Java)
- Retrieving sensor information
- Actuator control
- Introduction to mechatronics and robotics
- LEGO mobile robot control
- Implementation of a multi-tasking program
- Analyze robot performance
Algorithmics and Programming
Tutor, 2nd year of undergraduate degree, aka Formation Initiale aux Métiers d’Ingénieur (FIMI),
at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (Insa Lyon)
The course includes:
- Databases
- The query language SQL
- Conceptual and relational models
- Object-oriented programming (Java)
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Graphical User Interfaces
- Dynamic Data Structures